Film association LEA
ARTeCINEMA It was founded in 1988 by
Ligurian section of Ipotesi Cinema,
a school-laboratory of Paolo
Valmarana and Ermanno Olmi.
It creates and organizes, with the Province, Municipalities and the
territory of Tigullio, format information and training films (clinical,
educational, cultural), including the three-year school-laboratory “Tigullio
Cinema” and the conference on Michelangelo
Antonioni, emotionally attached to the Tigullio. Involved in projects
of development's cooperation, and awareness of responsible tourism with
national and international non-governmental organizations (in Cuba,
Mexico, Mozambique, Sri Lanka, Nepal). It produces video documentation and
advice on audiovisual communication. It collaborates with the
social-health and educational initiatives of different levels. Since 1996
it became Movie Circle. Movie Circle LAMACA
GIOCONDA It was born within the movie
association LEA ARTeCINEMA and was established in 1996 as an independent
cultural association nonprofit. It's engaged in the organization and
promotion of multimedia events, in the diffusion of artistic and cultural
film's events. Until 2007, it's part of Italian
Union of Film (UICC),
one of the nine national associations, founded by Roberto
Rossellini, chosen for its contents that the club shares. It cares
educational activities in schools, with professionals and experts in the
field of cinematography, movie reviews and projects of national interest,
as “Las Huellas Del Sur”
days of the Latin–American cinema, in the presence of Alejandro
Jodorowsky and Fernando Solanas
and a workshop with him. In recent twenty years, it became in the Tigullio
zone, a credible landmark in film festivals for cultural and artistic
exchanges. Since 2004 it promotes Cimameriche
Film Festival of Taste and Migration, about the peculiarities of
Liguria, a crossroads on the sea, with its stories of migration, knowledge
of its heritage, its gastronomic resources, profound expression of the
regional culture. A festival which aims to make interact three essential
aspects of Ligurian history: the return-migration, the exported/imported
cuisine and its contaminations, the cinema on this side and on the other
side of the ocean. A festival which also aims to “bring back home”,
every year, artists with Ligurian origins, almost unknown in Italy, but
well known overseas as the argentine writer/director/producer Juan
Bautista Stagnaro, Oscar winner, born in Riva Trigoso; the chilean Serjio
Trabucco, one of the most popular Latin American producers, hailing
from Chiavari; or the Peruvian director Chiara
Varese, of Genoese origin, creating collaborations that continue even
today, more projects with the Ligurian territory and “family
rapprochements”. Lamaca Gioconda is based in Chiavari at Cinema Mignon, engaged for
25 years in programming in the province and belonging to FICE (Italian Federation of Cinema d'Essai). Its exhibitions with
weekly projections (about 40 a year) are included in the Eurimages project. IMFI - Institute for
Materials and Unaware Forms The IMFI (Institute
for Materials and Unaware Forms) is an Association of Volunteers (NGO)
founded in 1988, enrolled in the Regional Ligurian Register, in a state of
agreement with the Genoese ASL 3
for the activities of art therapy from 1989. The institutional Task of
IMFI is the promotion, spread and research of creative expression
(painting, drawing, sculpture, writing, theater, music, audiovisual,
etc.), through the meeting of different cultures and techniques that
promote mutual knowledge which result in more exchanges and enrichments to
better social integration of the different circumstances. From the
beginning, IMFI relies on volunteer contributors who make available their
scientific, humanistic and artistic knowledges, sure of interdisciplinary
work, choosing as a field of action: the area of solidarity and promotion
of the dignity and freedom of man (art. 2 of the Statute IMFI). From 1992
IMFI established the Museattivo of
Unaware Forms (in the former psychiatric hospital in Genova Quarto dei
Mille) – as a commitment in the agreement between IMFI and
Genoese ASL 3 – where are collected hundreds of works from various
ateliers of expressive activities and artists that have wanted to
recognize the merit of the proposed initiatives and which hosts also
temporary exhibitions of emerging expressiveness. Since 1995, at the death of the artist Claudio Costa, former president dell'IMFI, the active museum is
called Museattivo Claudio Costa.
Since 2003 IMFI has set up a theater section, the Group Collant (visual arts and set design) and the company Cheerfully
(dance and choreography). Up to the present day, IMFI has published:
Davide Mansueto Raggio. Una Periferia Creativa dell'Essere (A Creative
Outskirts of the Being,1990) with the Office of Research and Documentation
on Imaginary; Acts and exhibition catalog Evocare
Colombo: Un Viaggio Virtuale (To Evocate Columbus, a Virtual Journey)
(1992); Raggio (1993) with the
Art Center of La Maddalena, Genoa, Publisher De Ferrari; Conference
proceedings Art: Sites, Organised Tours And Items - art
between virtuality and aesthetic object - the therapeutic creative
expression (1993); collection of poems Parola
Smarrita Parola Ritrovata (Lost Word, Found Word) (1995), recently
published in a new look by Liberodiscrivere.
In 2003, it was published the research carried out by IMFI, Auser and
Coop. Saba, the volume entitled Dieci
Centesimi Di Carrube (Ten Cents of Carob) - The City through the memory of the elderly, also published by Liberodiscrivere.
In 2013, in cooperation with Ltd. Rhizomes-Art Brut, it was published the
catalog of works by Davide Mansueto Raggio Un
Mansueto Raggio. In 2014, for
the exhibition of D.M. Raggio, S. Colombano Certenoli, in the Lascito Cuneo it was published the book Davide Mansueto Raggio, un artista fuori dal tempo (Davide Mansueto
Raggio, an artist out of time). THE ZANZOTTEREIDE Engineer Roberto Monanni, exhausted by the constant
jokes that his esteemed piano teacher – Maestro Andrea Zanzottera –
rattled off in a continuous stream during their piano lessons, for a kind
of retaliation, around the end of 2008, created the Facebook page that
bears this name, in order to carry the Critic Revue containing the best
Zanzotterate, for the benefit of the digital people. To date, the page has
over 1000 members, some of whom, at the right time, started to meet
personally, creating memorable dinners followed by extemporary concerts by
musicians members. It’s from these meetings that raised the creative
need to make a film script aimed at the realization of a movie. From this the project Uargh! was b |